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Your life is "GOOD" maybe, or perhaps like most men you are experiencing frustration, fatigue, uncertainty, and a lack of intimacy. You are in the "BETA ZONE" and you need to get back where you belong FAST.

Access our free Webinar and see how to take control of your life and get what you want!

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Life Hacks, Discussions, Ideas, and unfiltered opinion & solutions that mainstream magazines would rather hide from you!



Mindset Reset | Masculine Thinking

Reclaiming your masculinity is no small feet. Over the years you have given up who you are one small micro concession at a time. This is effecting your health, your relationship, your finance and your esteem. Simply put, you are not getting what you "WANT" or deserve out of your life. It is time for a change.

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Podcasts & Workshops

Webinar | Podcasts | Magazines

Helping "Men" identify, create, and maintain the life they want sounds simpler than it is. Here is how we help support men, with over 100 podcast episodes and "the STANDARD • academy"  our Elite 7-Week Coaching Program we are ready to make sure you get what you "WANT".

If that were not enough, subscribe to our free magazine today!

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DR Orest Komarnyckyj

I'm a business mindset coach! What does that mean, I am ready to help you get your masculinity BACK. It has been stolen from you a little piece at a time and now you are a reflection of what you wanted to be or could have been.

• You "WANT" more romance with your lover ....

• You "WANT" more control over your career ....

• You "WANT" your physical strength BACK ....


Get ready to step into a new light, greater understanding and better mindset about who you are and what you're really worth!

Subscribe to the STANDARD FREE!

Here is what people say about Dr orest ...

KEvin M

"There are few people who can bring a sense of accountability to one's own self like Orest can.  

His natural ability to cut through what's holding you back will help you unlock the potential you know is inside of you. 

Orest has been helping me for over a year, and in addition to bringing out the best in me, it's been a lot of fun along the way."


"I’ve known Orest for over 20 years as a successful healthcare provider, entrepreneur and sage for those in need of direction. He is a natural leader with enviable drive and an enthusiastic, no-non sense approach to life. He has personally helped me reframe my intangible, “unreachable” dreams into realistic goals. With Orest, its less flash and more substance. Just what I needed in the TiKTok/ Instagram world of experts."

Patrick l

I listen to Dr. Orest not because he is older, not because he shouts louder, but because he has the balls to look me in the eye and say, "You are wrong and here is why' whilst still treating me with dignity and respect." 


“Orest is someone who looks to optimize his “old guy” years in a balanced way, whether that is fitness and putting up 100lb dumbbell bench presses, how to have a great relationship with your wife/partner or exploring intellectual interests with friends over cigars and a scotch”. Old guy years can be the finest years and pearls of wisdom come from Orest on how to do it”

Steve R

"I first stumbled across this podcast about 2 years ago, at the age of 57. I didn’t really think I was “old”, but I was definitely overweight, lethargic, and bored. The first episode I found had something to do with women and sex, so I listened, laughed, and learned a few things. I went back for more, then more and, over time, I’ve become a dedicated follower. Every podcast has some relevance to my life and offers an engaging blend of “informative” and “entertaining”. Sometimes, it’s as if the “Old Guy” talks directly to ME. " 

Matt M

"I've known & followed "OldGuy" Orest for a few years now. I appreciate the various current event & medical topics he discusses. Lots of great info for us guys to live GREAT Life!" 

JOhn L

Dr. Orest showed me that failure is not a terrible thing. Failure is another step on the route to success.  Each day that I met with Dr. Orest, I was able to overcome my fear of failure because each day he would tell me that no matter how much you fail, you will succeed.  No matter how terrible I felt, Dr. Orest would always be there to pick me up and direct me in the right direction. Dr. Orest mentoring allowed me to overcome my failures and gain confidence in my success." 

Don't forget to Subscribe to "The Men's Standard" digital magazine for Free

Life Hacks, Discussions, Ideas, and unfiltered opinion & solutions that mainstream magazines would rather hide from you!

Copyright © 2021 Old Guy Talks to Me LLC & The Standard Acadmey LLC.